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Computational Engineer M.Sc.

PhD Student at RWTH Aachen Computer Animation

Aachen, Germany



June 12, 2021

My name is Stefan Rhys Jeske. I am a student of Computation Engineering Science at RWTH Aachen since 2013 and have finished my master's degree in 2019. During my master's degree I spent one semester abroad at The University of Tokyo in Japan. I am currently a research assistant at the Computer Animation Group at RWTH Aachen and am pursuing a PhD.

About the blog

Currently, this blog mainly serves the purpose of motivating me to work on personal projects in my free time and to get them into a state which I would be comfortable to show to the public. As is the case for many people, I sometimes have difficulties motivating myself to finish a started project as there is little incentive to keep going once the initial excitement has passed. This blog is supposed to be the solution, but only time will tell how much will actually end up here.

I also plan to make small posts sharing solutions for problems that I encountered during work or my personal projects in order to preserve them for posterity. This may also include short tutorials and spotlights of open-source projects that I use frequently and that I feel are underrepresented. Very rarely I may also write about personal things and highlights of trips and vacations with a focus on roads less travelled and "hidden gems".


If you found this blog and this article, I hope it was worth your while. Feel free to peruse any other articles while you are here (if there already are any). Also, don't hesitate to get in touch using the E-Mail link in the sidebar. Even if this post is years old and the blog has been inactive for ages, I still strive to maintain to have an up-to-date E-Mail address in the profile and will respond as soon as I can.

© 2025 Stefan Rhys Jeske